• Phone: +91-7428744458
  • Email: info@inshaktifoundation.org


Entrepreneurship program for young women

Women in India are an untapped resource.


By 2030, India’s working-age population will surpass an unprecedented 1 billion, with up to 400 million women not participating in the labor force.

Inshakti’s boot camps designed to equip the young women of Industrial Training Institutes with entrepreneurial skills are changing these statistics.


The Problem 


  • Skills Gap
  • Lack of motivation 
  • Misinformation 
  • Unfavorable environment
  • Zero access to modern infrastructure


The Program


Candidate orientations Experiential learning 

Exposure visits

Industry-specific mentorship

Financial support and market linkages 

Online sales on social media platforms 

Buddy system with Inshakti alumni 

Community building


The Impact


Growing entrepreneurial mindsets

From young trainees to self-employed leaders 

An increase in women-owned businesses