• Phone: +91-7428744458
  • Email: info@inshaktifoundation.org

Badey Sapne

Development programs for government schools

Only 21.3% of the students in rural areas have access to computers in their schools.


But that doesn’t stop them from dreaming big. We want to make these dreams come true.



The journey from students to all-rounders


Our Program:



Preliminary discussions with heads of different government schools

Visiting schools to evaluate the existing infrastructure

Developing a custom curriculum for imparting life skills, soft skills and computer training to students



Setting up computer labs in each school

Using interactive methods of education: role-playing, games, competitions and storytelling

Student evaluation using baseline and endline tests

Hiring accomplished educators to facilitate the program

Industry-specific sessions by experts



100% of the students can operate a computer and use essential applications like Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Internet Explorer. 

They will also be proficient in using email addresses and printers.

With the help of soft skills, each student will come out of this program confident, polished, and well-behaved.

Life skills will help students manage their varying emotions which are heightened at that age. They will also become better decision-makers.